Sunday, March 9, 2008

Spreading my wings...The Butterfly Challenge

The jewelry forum that I am a member of held a Color Challenge based on a Butterfly theme...there were several color palettes all based on actual butterfly colors that we were able to choose from and create a piece that had to include a minimum number of the colors. The piece had to either be in the form of a butterfly or have some form of butterfly motif incorporated into the design.

I was very excited to participate in this challenge and decided that I would make it exactly would be a personal opportunity to experiment with techniques that I have been wanting to employ...this was the project that I would use to spread my wings.

Prior to this challenge I did some soldering generally only in simple, basic vision for this project was somewhat more complex and would require a good amount of soldering...challenge #1! The design called for a sterling silver wire framework with multiple sections which would then be filled with colored resin, in the colors of the chosen palette. Resins are a medium that I have little to no practice using...challenge #2. I started with a flutter and was not able to take flight...the framework was not much of a problem, but the resin did not yield the saturation of color that I desired....another flutter, another flap and I was in flight...the result is "Winter Butterfly"

My effort was awarded a "Personal Achievement" ribbon...the criteria for which was to employ new skills and techniques in the fabrication of the challenge piece. Like the butterfly...I spread my wings!!!

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